Installation of Nagios Mobile

We are able to access the nagios core from mobile itself. For that we need to do some nagios configuration changes on the server end.

Follow the below steps to access to mobile Nagios interface.


Nagios Core already installed and running
Php 5.1 or greater

Downloading and Unpacking

[root@server.local ~]# cd /tmp
[root@server.local ~]# wget
[root@server.local ~]# tar zxf nagiosmobile.tar.gz
[root@server.local ~]# cd nagiosmobile

Apache configuration

By default Nagios Mobile will be installed to /usr/local/nagiosmobile. If you want a different target directory for the installer, update the INSTALL.php file:

//target directory where nagiosmobile's web files will be stored

If your installation is not on a CentOS / RHEL distribution, then you’ll also need to update the file location for your apache configurations directory.

//target directory where your current apache configuration directory is located
//default for ubuntu/debian installs

Run the installation script

[root@server.local naigosmobile]# ./INSTALL.php
Copying apache configuration file...
Creating web directory...
Copying files...
Cleaning up...
Restarting apache...
Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Starting httpd: [ OK ]
Checking for file locations...
Script Complete

Access Nagios Mobile

After successful installation, you can access the Nagios Mobile interface through address in a browser
