Install Openfiler as a Guest OS in VirtualBox

In my previous post we have seen the steps to install VirtualBox on CentOS. Here we are going to see the steps to install Openfiler as a guest os on VirtualBox.

After installing VirtualBox follow the steps below.

The term “Guest OS” refers to the operating system which is to be installed inside a VirtualBox.

Step1: Create a Virtual Machine

First job is to create a virtual machine, to do open VirtualBox and click “New” from the toolbar.

Select “New” from the toolbar to create a new Virtual Machine

Enter any name for your Virtual Machine and select the Operating System you are going to use as your GUEST OS. ie., Enter Openfiler in Name field

Select the OS you are going to use inside your Virtual Machine. ie., Select the type as Linux and Version is Linux 2.6 (64 bit)

Select the amount of RAM to be allocated to the Virtual Machine. ie., Minimum RAM should be 512MB

You need to create a Virtual Hard disk for your Virtual Machine. ie., Minimum 10GB Dynamic Partition

Step 2: Change the boot order of the VM

Right click the newly created Virtual machine and go to settings.

Go to the settings of your Virtual Machine

Select storage from the left side list, select the CD icon and from the right select “Choose a virtual CD/DVD disk file”, navigate to the Openfiler ISO image file of the OS on your computer. Now the OS image is mounted to your Virtual machine.

To change the boot device order of your virtual machine go to the “System” option from the left side list, select Hard Disk and click the up arrow to bring it to the top of the list. Make the CD/DVD-ROM the second device and uncheck the other devices.

Set the boot device priority for the virtual machine.

Step 3: Start the Virtual machine

To start the virtual machine double-click the VM, a window opens here you can press F12 if you want to select a device of your choice to boot.

Press F12 to select the boot device of your choice

To boot from the CD-ROM press c.

Press c to boot the VM from a CD image

Your VM will now boot from your Operating System image file and the OS installation will start as usual.

Step 4: Openfiler Installation

Use the below link to install and configure openfiler guest os.